Tianyi is always in either a second-hand shop or on second-hand sale apps where she encounters found objects, images and footage (and she never feels bored). Her love for used/ collected/ found objects originates from, instead of nostalgia, a haunted feeling experienced in the contemporary days as the past has not been shed away while our world keeps moving, or in fact it can never be...
Will you pick me up tomorrow 2021 Single-channel video projection, performance, colour, sound, 16'10"
Featuring Artist MeMe, Curator MeMe, Collector MeMe, Art Writer MeMe, Art student MeMe
Directed by Tianyi Zheng Screenplay by Jessie Tam Story-based on and by Jessie Tam Video edited by Tianyi Zheng Sound edited by Tianyi Zheng Costume designed by Jessie Tam Music Tung Wah Charity Show theme Song Special thanks to Alan Ahued Naime