Tianyi is always in either a second-hand shop or on second-hand sale apps where she encounters found objects, images and footage (and she never feels bored). Her love for used/ collected/ found objects originates from, instead of nostalgia, a haunted feeling experienced in the contemporary days as the past has not been shed away while our world keeps moving, or in fact it can never be...
Memory Not Found 2019 Single Channel Digital Video, Sound, Color 8’48’’ Collaborate with Christos Mavrodis; Maaike Zwaan; Matilde Noronha Rente and Tamara Bakker
Our research team started with a story memorizing experiment in which participants repeated the stories they were asked to remember at regular intervals. However, before the completion, we found that most of the data of the recorder were gone accidentally. Our camera has lost memory. This video represents a dialogue between humans and machines about memory and time and attempts to deconstruct the meaning of forgetting and death.